Trafalgar Castle School
HOLA creates a fun and stimulating learning experience through interactive activities and role plays to students from Grade 4 to 12. During this school year, Trafalgar students will learn the basics of Spanish and will speak the language accordingly, guaranteed!
Full Year
September 20/24 to June 6/25
(one payment) -
Supplies/materials included
24 classes
70 Minutes Class
Fall Season
September 20/24 to December 13/24
Supplies/materials included
10 classes
70 Minutes Class
Enroll Now
(no class on October 11, November 1 & 15)
Winter Season
January 10/25 to February 28/25
Supplies/materials included
5 classes
70 Minutes Class
January 1th
(no class on January 24, February 7 & 14)
Spring Season
March 28/25 to June 6/25
Supplies/materials included
9 classes
70 Minutes Class
March 1th
(no classes on April 18 & May 16)